Thursday, July 17, 2008

On the road.

Show 008 is up and accessible from the link above. A short bit of silliness from Zoe and myself while traveling back together from a tournament.

I am off to the Oregon coast this next week so the podcast will be taking a bit of a vacation as well. While I was hoping to get several episodes in the can, with the summer all up on us, I've had a bit more difficulty getting people to swing by the studio. Something about being busy with family and summery things. Fall should provide a turnaround as people will be around more. Although I imagine as I will be doing games almost every day (in one form or another), most of the shows will have to start on the iRiver.

I don't mind too much, although the interface with Windows Media Player doesn't actually allow me to copy the files directly onto my hard drive (yet another reason I don't use Media Player unless I have to...which I do to delete the files on the iRiver). And the sound quality suffers some (ok, a lot, but I may be the only one whose panties bunch at this).

Still would love to hear stories from any of ya (and I can certainly not use names or any other identifying information if you are concerned about political things...I've heard rumors of someone in Washington not wanting to come on the show because of their position in the state...but I know this person has plenty of great stories).

I will be posting a short lil' podcast before I scamper off on holiday begging y'all for stories to make my life easier. The podcast wasn't meant as a platform for just my idiocy. It was meant as a conduit for everyone's idiocy.

Please email me at with stories about things.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Show 007 is up and running.

Well, I tried something different this go and have a couple ideas to move in a bit of a different direction involving the fall season (which begins August 28, in case you didn't ask).

If you haven't downloaded Show 007 yet, it's just me babbling on my own about a few matches at the last tournament here in Bellingham, Baker Blast.

Show 008 could very well be of the same ilk (not Baker Blast, but my stupid self talking up stuff), as I am not sure I can drag any of the local referees over to the Studio de la Ref this week. I have been making efforts to secure a body or two, but to no avail. I may be able to relate a couple of entertaining stories from my ventures to the Open Cup the past couple of weeks as I spoke with a former local referee who had a couple amusing bits to tell me. I didn't bring the iRiver as I knew it would be far too loud at Qwest Field to get a good story anyone could hear.

Always appreciate your feedback,


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tournament good times.

The iRiver found its way to Northwest Soccer Park last weekend (I managed not to forget -- an accomplishment in itself) and I managed to mix it into something almost audible.

My apologies for the sound quality...there's no way to monitor the levels while recording so you kinda have to hope for the best and give it some love in post. But as I was home with two sick kids yesterday (July 1) and battling the yuck myself, I was quite rushed and the result is well, somewhat disappointing (to me anyway).

I do have a question for all y'all who are listening to the podcast -- have you noticed a lack of high end? When I play back the mp3 version of the show, I am quite sure there is some drop off from the original wav file.

Let me know.
