Saturday, December 20, 2008
Happy Holidays all!
Here in POV land, if you haven't subscribed to the feed, I was able to post two shows in one week. It had quite a bit to do with other people being available and being able to sit down and record. Show 014 features the return of Chris. We discuss his rise and fall in the world of refereeing and the causes thereto.
Show 015 (released less than a week later) brought Jadon back with his brother (currently living in Hawaii) Timon together for couple of rants about Washington State's treatment of soccer officials and a discussion regarding a comment on Show 014.
I thought both shows ended up being pretty informative for those who might not put energy into thinking what goes into officiating. I have to admit I don't often consider the trouble other sports must have getting and keeping officials, but I am sure the problems are not limited to soccer.
On the assigning front, the weather has had a negative effect on the last match day of the season and games were cancelled prior to there being any inclement weather (the call was made the day before based on the weather reports). If the matches would have been played at the times scheduled there wouldn't have been weather issues (the storm front hit several hours after it was expected). Then the weather has continued to get worse (or better if you like snow and ice) so the likelihood of rescheduling the matches looks unlikely (as neither of the matches were to determine 1st or 2nd place in their respective divisions). But I haven't heard "officially" that the matches will not be played so we can't bill the association for the remainder of the season. This also means, I, as the assignor, will have to wait longer to be paid for my services.
For those who aren't aware, assignors typically get compensated (if at all) at the end of the season. The current season has been running since the beginning of September and I probably won't get paid until the first or second week in January. Are there many positions out there that wait so long to compensate for work done? I think employers would have a difficult time getting people to stick around if they only paid once every 4 months. I could be mistaken.
There are now eight designs of tee-shirts available through (the link to Referee POV stuff is to the right). Help support the show and be snarky at the same time.
Thanks again.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving all.
I spoke to Jadon yesterday and with any luck he'll be able to sit down with me next week and we can get something posted in the next not too long.
I know I was hoping to get the podcasts (and this here blog for that matter) out a bit more regularly and shall continue to try. I will make efforts. But my efforts are often slighted by the reality of life.
Well, to complain about assigning more (which is the main reason I do it, to complain), I spoke to an official on Friday evening to confirm that he was, in fact, planning on doing a match he requested on Sunday but had yet to accept on our website. He said he was going to need to miss a fitness test that he'd said he take but since he asked for the match, he'd go ahead and do the matches instead.
As I am sure you can see where this story is going, you won't need to imagine my surprise when I receive a call Sunday 15 minutes prior to kick-off letting me know said referee hadn't shown up at the fields. I was working a Western match at the time and couldn't do much as far as calling people nor was I near a computer to see if anyone else might be available on a moment's notice.
After I'd left the Western match, I had a message from the official letting me know he just plain forgot that he had accepted assignments that day. So what do you do? Well, I wept a little.
Hey, be sure to check out the Referee POV t-shirts on More designs will be posted all the time.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Almost there.
I'd like to blame it on someone else but I can't. While I have been a bit busy, I imagine with a little better planning I could've magicked up something last weekend. But I had work and had to cover a match that was never accepted (and then had the pleasure of being not just drenched but also covered in mud). Yes, I am making excuses but I have reached an agreement with the Mrs. and I should have one evening a week moving forward to work on the podcasts I am producing.
Yes, I am currently putting two shows out. Unfortunately both suffer from the work on the other but I receive great satisfaction from producing each one and can't imagine giving either of them up. Besides, the other is of finite term so once I've completed it, I'll just be working on this one.
Is there a point to this ramble? Well, I am almost finished with Show 13 and tonight is my night to work on podcasts so assuming the problems I've been having with PayPal and Libsyn are straightened out, I should be posting later this evening (November 7th).
Thanks again to everyone for your support, input and content.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Is a new podcast EVER going to come out?
What happened this week? As many associations in many sports across the world, Whatcom County is always trying to get more people to become soccer officials. To this end, I've spent the last four evenings teaching 19 people a couple things they need to be aware of before stepping on the pitch as officials. Not everything mind you, that wouldn't be fair to those of us who have spent the last several years cutting our teeth in the trenches. That, and the Entry Level Course as designed by USSF doesn't do much for management techniques. It's more about learning the Laws of the Game and making sure you know when the ball is out of play. The 2009 ELC test, heavens. It is easier than the exams in the past, however, I do believe there is too much emphasis placed on when the ball is in play. Don't get me wrong, this is something important but a large portion of my class missed several questions because I, as an instructor, wasn't aware that the answers to some of the questions were silly.
An example, A direct free kick is in play when: the ball is kicked, the ball is kicked and moves, the ball is kicked an moves forward. Several students didn't listen (I administered the test orally to the masses) past the first choice as they assumed the ball would in fact move once assumption I don't much blame the students for.
In other news, the select program in Washington has turned completely bonkers. This year, instead of scheduling the entire season at the beginning, the powers that be schedule the first seven weeks of the season then once the first six weeks have been played, they schedule the remaining three weeks of the season. I received the schedule for this upcoming weekend on Monday. Not particularly helpful.
At the same time, high school playoff matches are being handed to me, with two days notice in one instance as well as an overlap on Saturday with the 8 select matches already on my schedule.
While I am complaining (as is my right as an assignor), I am about yay close to completely covering the matches this weekend. However, I may be forced to work two of the matches in order to get enough bodies on the pitch. Normally I wouldn't begrudge working these games, but I seem to be coming down with a case of the ills and may or may not be feeling up to snuff after taking the kiddies out for some Halloweening tonight in the not so pleasant northwest weather.
Oh, and I will pass on the story of my worst match in some time on the podcast. Just something to look forward to...maybe.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The assignor blues
Now, I have no proof that a particular referee is living under the delusion that their rump don't produce smelly but given a situation that recently occurred and the subsequent actions of this official, I have strong suspicions. Based solely on the questioning of this official's knowledge and applications of the rules of high school soccer, I wouldn't be inclined to suspect a vindictive retaliation. However, this particular official has gotten severely bitchy-cakes at another assignor in our association because of the level of assignments this official received. And after I called this official's performance at a match into question, not only did I receive a none too pleasant email regarding the incident from the official's pov but also this official has been giving back matches with little time for me to re-assign the match. And made no attempt to contact me to explain the reason for the latest give back. I wouldn't mind too much if it weren't for the fact that I am struggling every day trying to get enough officials to cover assignments and this particular referee assigned themselves matches every week at the beginning of the season.
Now, I love the self-assign feature our association uses but the way some people use it, just plain disrespectful. Before you say you are going to accept a match, check your schedule to insure you can actually do the match. And if something comes up, decline the match at the earliest possible moment, not a few days before. And if your schedule is odd, don't sign up for matches until you know for sure you can be there. It really is that simple but some people don't think this way.
I weep for our future.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The weekend is ugly.
Unfortunately, Western hasn't started up yet so several of the referees who usually pick up matches for us aren't in town yet.
I did get a fun call from one of the athletic director's today concerning a player who recently decided to get a nose piercing immediately prior to the beginning of soccer season. Now, every recreational season the referees have to deal with five and six year old girls getting their ears pierced and bursting into tears when we tell them they can't play with their earrings in. And without fail a parent will go nutty cuckoo about how their little girl can't take her earrings out for six weeks and that we are bad people for not letting her play, and so and so forth. But now we have a high school player who figures the safest thing she can do for her soccer-playing self is have a piece of sharp metal in her face while on the pitch. I'd start quoting Laws or Rules of Play or some such nonsense but let's leave it with, if something is dangerous to a player or others, it is not allowed on the field. And jewelry of any kind fits into the above category.
I told the AD, while I wouldn't caution the coach (as is the high school rule) for the nose stud, I would most likely tell the young lady she had to remove it and if she refused, she wouldn't be allowed to play. That would be, of course, if I was feeling in a grumpy mood. If I was well-humored, I told him I would let her know that she could wear it as long as she understood that if she bled out on the field from a shot to the face, I would not be held responsible.
Yes, I would certainly be held accountable if the young lady suffered injury on my field from wearing such an item (if I did, in fact, see said item) and could face a lawsuit (and most likely lose). Is it worth the potentially lost house for this silly youngster to keep her uber-hip nose stud in for 90 minutes? A close call, I know, but perhaps I'll err on the side of get off my field silly young lady.
Thanks again for stopping by and reading my griping.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Longest podcast yet.
I did manage to pick up a couple of games yesterday, however, and as it was Saturday, it was the younger age groups. I was in the middle of a GU14 and BU15 match, neither of which was terribly eventful. No cards, one PK, one IDFK in the area and one thing I haven't had to deal with before. But I'll talk about that on the next podcast. The only real disappointing thing about yesterday is the ankle injury I sustained back at the PCC, has flared up again (perhaps it's the field conditions...or perhaps I'm just too darn old to be running around like a fool).
Regardless of swollen ankle or not, I will still be doing battle with three or more high school matches this week, the first of which is tomorrow and it should be a yawner. I can't figure I'll have any good stories about savage tackles, but I certainly could be deluged with stupidity from players, coaches and sure to check out Show 012 to see how moronic it eventually was.
I mentioned I'd be ranting about the irkingness of assigning in the blog, and once I get another ridiculous story, I'll be sure to pass it along here.
Please feel free to leave me comments (like shut your trap...if it was fun, you wouldn't get paid for it).
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Show 010 happened.
(added November 7, 2008: the link which was once here is now defunct and has been removed)
In assigning news, September 6th is the beginning of the select season with the 9th opening high school games. And the frustration of assigning has also begun.
I received the high school schedule earlier than ever this year, in June and posted it to the referee website immediately upon acquiring it. And sure enough, a couple of the athletic directors have contacted me this week to change things. Why not in July or even August? Why wait until the week before the season is under way to make changes? I realize you have other things to do but so do I. Oh, the whiner that is me.
And the select schedule...what a disaster. We are STILL waiting for the GU17 schedule and the season starts in two days. The GU15 showed up on Tuesday. I am not sure those in charge of scheduling at the state level have ever assigned before. If they have, perhaps they have forgotten in most instances scheduling matches does not automatically assure referees will be available to mediate them. Am I going to whine about this stuff all season? Most likely.
I've already recorded Show 011 with Jadon and should be posting it on Sunday as I have some time that day...I managed to get the matches fulled up without having to work any myself. Be on the's going to be a bit longer than the last two, we got on a roll (and the Wii Fit).
Thanks again for checking out the show. Tell your friends and neighbors. We're starting to get some feedback (and calls) which only makes the show more entertaining.
Friday, August 1, 2008
I heart technology.
Regardless, I have had a busy week back from vacation (one of the more productive of the summer for me) and I've forgot to take the iRiver with me to the soccer park last Sunday while I worked Ballapalooza. Honestly, not much of a loss as far as catching any good stories about that particular tournament. It was amazingly boring with little in the way of silly, drunk adults doing silly, adult things. But I also lost the opportunity to catch a referee or two with questions for the podcast.
I am hoping to get something out this weekend but will again be on the road for a family reunion and my time will be limited (also, I'll be attempting to plumb in my casa...that in itself should be the very definition of comedy).
Jadon mentioned he'd have some time next week to sit down and chat and Steve did as well so hopefully, heading into the busy fall season, we should get back on schedule with weekly releases of the podcast.
Again, if you have stories, I'd love to read them on the show. Please email me at with amusing/horrifying anecdotes.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
On the road.
I am off to the Oregon coast this next week so the podcast will be taking a bit of a vacation as well. While I was hoping to get several episodes in the can, with the summer all up on us, I've had a bit more difficulty getting people to swing by the studio. Something about being busy with family and summery things. Fall should provide a turnaround as people will be around more. Although I imagine as I will be doing games almost every day (in one form or another), most of the shows will have to start on the iRiver.
I don't mind too much, although the interface with Windows Media Player doesn't actually allow me to copy the files directly onto my hard drive (yet another reason I don't use Media Player unless I have to...which I do to delete the files on the iRiver). And the sound quality suffers some (ok, a lot, but I may be the only one whose panties bunch at this).
Still would love to hear stories from any of ya (and I can certainly not use names or any other identifying information if you are concerned about political things...I've heard rumors of someone in Washington not wanting to come on the show because of their position in the state...but I know this person has plenty of great stories).
I will be posting a short lil' podcast before I scamper off on holiday begging y'all for stories to make my life easier. The podcast wasn't meant as a platform for just my idiocy. It was meant as a conduit for everyone's idiocy.
Please email me at with stories about things.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Show 007 is up and running.
If you haven't downloaded Show 007 yet, it's just me babbling on my own about a few matches at the last tournament here in Bellingham, Baker Blast.
Show 008 could very well be of the same ilk (not Baker Blast, but my stupid self talking up stuff), as I am not sure I can drag any of the local referees over to the Studio de la Ref this week. I have been making efforts to secure a body or two, but to no avail. I may be able to relate a couple of entertaining stories from my ventures to the Open Cup the past couple of weeks as I spoke with a former local referee who had a couple amusing bits to tell me. I didn't bring the iRiver as I knew it would be far too loud at Qwest Field to get a good story anyone could hear.
Always appreciate your feedback,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tournament good times.
My apologies for the sound quality...there's no way to monitor the levels while recording so you kinda have to hope for the best and give it some love in post. But as I was home with two sick kids yesterday (July 1) and battling the yuck myself, I was quite rushed and the result is well, somewhat disappointing (to me anyway).
I do have a question for all y'all who are listening to the podcast -- have you noticed a lack of high end? When I play back the mp3 version of the show, I am quite sure there is some drop off from the original wav file.
Let me know.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Comedy is on the way.
As a result, Show 006 will contain both the sick and not-so-sick voice of mine.
I blame the youngest of my kids as he too is currently under the weather.
And a side-note here, I only managed to bug two people into sitting down with me and recording stuff for the show and both will be presented on Show 006. A thanks to both Arwen and Ruth for taking a bit of time to join in the frivolity. Not that other referees at the tourney wouldn't have talked with me, just it was uncommonly warm and during any breaks we had, we mostly wanted to sit and drink water.
The show should be up tomorrow, Tuesday, July 1, 2008.
Call and leave us a message or email us at
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Delays, delays, delays.
Speaking of clinics, I'll be instructing a piece of the bridge clinic and another segment where I'll be taking the class out to watch a match, all of us will write down the things we'd like the official to work on (positioning, mechanics, foul selection) as specifically as possible and then we'll leave the pitch and share our findings. I will then speak to the official we watched one on one. This is a new one for me, so I'll let you know how it goes.
With any luck, I'll have the next podcast up on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
If you haven't already, let your friends and neighbors know about the show.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Finally with the Show 005.
If you haven't started spreading the word that the podcast doesn't completely suck, please let your friends know to check us on out.
Hoping to get a couple more new bodies in the studio in the next few weeks and may even have a remote show at the Baker Blast Tournament this weekend (where I'll be spending the entirety of my Saturday). Bound to be a couple amusing stories from that fiasco...there always are.
I sincerely appreciate you stopping by and checking out the blog. With any luck, I'll have a bit more time to scribe something interesting in the not too distant future.
You rock.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Show 004 is up!
The bad news is Show 005 will be a bit delayed.
Why you ask? Well, before I go and blame it on my leaving town on vacation this past week (a handy excuse I know), the real problem is Or me. Let's call me cheap and let that be the end of it.
As I am only willing to pay for 100/mb a month from and releasing the show every week with sizes just over 26 mb, well, the 30 days in the month and the 28 days in the every Sunday release schedule...well, there's gonna be problems here.
The final result: as I mentioned, I am cheap and will not be springing for more storage space, so the show will post just as soon as I have some available room (should be the 26th).
Thanks for your support.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Show 003 with Jadon!
Ok, so the topic of last weekend's LPT's didn't happen on Show 003, I guarantee they will for Show 004. And maybe even Show 005, if you're lucky.
As summer approaches, so does the madness of the tournaments and all the fun moronicy that happens with them. The stories should be flowing like the beer (which should be flowing like it means it).
Still hoping some of you will call up and offer up your stories of most memorable coach and player, but as Chris is returning for Show 004, we are changing topics (so as not to be OVERLY redundant).
Call in and let us know about your:
1. Most recent issuing of a card and the circumstances involved therein.
2. Your first send-off as well as your feelings about it.
Also, Euro 2008 started yesterday, did anyone disagree with the referee's determination of a PK against Austria (vs. Croatia)? If so, what was your take on the call?
The number to leave us a message is (641) 715-3900, then dial extension 91965.
Thanks for all the support.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Show 002 is up!
This past weekend held a couple different events for idiot-boy here.
Last year one of the local soccer associations put together a 3 vs. 3 recreational tournament. The tournament director contacted the referee association about providing referees for the event, but because the tournament was put together relatively quickly, instead of using licensed referees, the director brought in high school players (as a fund-raiser for their soccer programs). The event went off pretty well for being a first year gig although as the assignor, it was a bit messy.
The director contacted me at the beginning of 2008 to assign the tournament again, stating that this year we would use the tournament as an instructional event for the referee association's younger referees. He then informed me about a month ago that we'd again be using high school soccer players as referees. Needless to say I was disappointed. It was around this time I asked the director to provide me with the schedule of matches as soon as he could so I could piece together something.
A week before the tournament, I still hadn't received any information in regards to assigning the gig. On Monday the tournament director let me know we'd be running 14 fields every half an hour, but didn't give me start times or the number of high school players I'd have to work with. On Wednesday I received the list of high school players and the times they were planning on being at the tourney as well as the start time of the gig. I put together the assignments based on the information given to me and Friday evening at 9pm I received two emails from the tournament director. The first informing me that two individuals had changed their availability for the tournament the next day. And the other email was a breakdown of fields, times and age groups. Along with this was a note from the director suggesting I use the older kids on the U-14 matches. As I didn't recognize more than 4 names on the list, I had absolutely no idea how old the people were I was assigning.
The information regarding the times and ages was for 12 fields, not the 14 I was originally informed. Also, there were several time slots where all fields were not in use. So Friday evening I reworked the entire tournament schedule, staying up until 1am to try to assure every referee had breaks at regular intervals, worked when they were available and were not idle for extended periods.
When I arrived at the tournament on Saturday morning, the director introduced me to the high school players who were being briefed on the modified rules for the 3 v. 3 play. He then handed me an air horn and let them know I was in charge of the keeping time on their matches, which was to be controlled by the air horn.
The coach of the boy's soccer team was in charge of the kids and informed me that a few people hadn't arrived so the assignments may have to be modified from what I'd put together. We discovered 5 of the referees weren't there and this trend continued throughout the day. As I was blowing the air horn every 12 minutes to signal the start of matches and half-time, I had to try to modify the assignments between the blasts of loud. All in all, the day turned out with every match being covered (albeit several from the soccer coach, another volunteer and the father of one of the players (who was leaving early to attend the Brazil vs. Canada in Seattle)).
I will not, however, be assigning the tournament again if licensed referees are not used, if I do not receive a workable schedule at least two weeks before the event and if I am responsible for keeping time for the matches. While compensation made to me last year was fair (I have yet to be paid for this year's debacle), I do not find the role of horn-blower interesting, nor is what I was doing assigning referees (as I have come to understand it).
Oh and then there was LPT's yesterday, but that's a lengthy story, worthy of the podcast.
Thanks for your support.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Podcast, It Lives!
I am still concerned about the direction of the show, as in, more production? bumpers? sound fx? more frivolity? a perkier host? And what about content? Snarkier? More information for non-officials?
Well, any and all input is welcome. Please let me know,
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Stalled and getting stallier
My thoughts have turned on the format of the podcast once again from attempting to get a co-host or a revolving door of co-hosts, to simply releasing a show of my stupid self and if I can drag someone kicking and screaming along with me on occasion, well, all the better.
Another couple of thoughts have entered the arena surrounding the show so I have managed a healthy distraction contemplating how to make my first million with them (instead of actually producing the show so I can have a springboard...the logic defeats me). But I am committing myself (and shall never be heard from again), to record show number one, take care of hosting the beast, get listed on iTunes and other outlets by the end of the month. A realistic goal, I fear (as I can accomplish all of the above tasks in an afternoon). I suppose what I am getting at is I will have a show available in the next couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, I have learned the hard way that if your first podcast isn't impressive, most won't check out another. As a result, I've been fretting about not just segments, but actual format, bumpers, theme music, length and have made no firm decisions on any of the above.
As I plan on spending the majority of the day at the soccer park here in Bellingham this Saturday with a gaggle of other refs, I will be actively seeking inspiration and ideas from the masses. I may also be able to finally finish photoshopping the album artwork for the show (something I have had in my head for months but have yet to complete).
I do have a couple amusing stories regarding the high school season and the middle school season so far but as I should have a bit of content for show 1, I will save it for that forum.
Thanks for your patience. I can't imagine it will be worth the wait.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The game must go on
Unfortunately, with the late scheduling of the State Cup I was unable to bribe or swindle anyone into taking one of the matches this morning. So, unwillingly and still depleted from my Avian Sickness, I made my way to the pitch and managed to officiate a game. The match itself was uneventful (a relatively mild 3-1 contest) in which I may have called 10 fouls total...may.
With about 15 minutes left in the match I asked one of the gals from the visiting team if they often played without assistant referees. She said, "No, we usually have 'em. Why?" I replied, "Every time the ball goes out of play, all your coaches yell about who's ball it is as if the referee needs help."
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Game Management?
The game, which I was expecting to be relatively close, turned into a route by the end. The center midfielder for the team which was behind throughout the match, had been using his arms to push opponents off the ball. I'd called a few fouls on him (and others on his team for the same tactics) and things had settled down in the beginning of the second half. When the score had reached 6-0, the central midfielder, obviously frustrated (yelling at his team, aggressively moving to the ball, etc.), recklessly tackled an opponent. This resulted in a caution for him, after which he thought it wise to yell at another opponent in Spanish as he was leaving the field (a requirement in high school matches).
As I was attempting to bring the temperature of the match down and let the central midfielder know he would do better to quit talking in any language, I casually moved to the team's bench area. I heard something of a commotion behind me but didn't hear any specific words or phrases. After I'd verbally warned the player to keep quiet, I saw my assistant referee beckoning me and stepping on the field. He informed me a member of the losing team had dropped the f-bomb loud enough for him to hear from the touchline. I called the player over and issued another caution (another requirement of high school, no naughty language you kiddies).
Just before we were about to restart play, I overheard a couple of players discussing the second caution. Player 1, "What was that for?" Player 2, "He shouted, 'Can't we start the f'n game already?'"
Perhaps players, coaches and fans don't understand something. When a team is being thoroughly dominated, the losing team often can only stay in the match by committing fouls against the better squad. This then leads to an uneven amount of fouls called against the losing team, thus making it increasingly difficult to, "Call it both ways." I have found in these situations, I am more likely to favor the losing team as much as I reasonably can with fouls FOR them. Admittedly however, the dominant team usually doesn't commit many fouls once they are in obvious control of the match.
I'd think this little nugget of life would be apparent to the rest of the world, but it seems as if the referee community is the only one that realizes this happens. Pity.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Podcast
In referee news, I've only had a couple matches since the last time I posted and very little has been noteworthy. Naturally, I've been hoping for a silly player or a mouthy coach but everyone's been well-behaved (save a gal who told an opponent to, "Shut the f*** up! -- resulting in a caution, as the match didn't need a send-off).
But the season is young and I am positive with two high school matches this week, someone will give me something to laugh about.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Stupid Assignors
Contrary to ancient myth, officials do not just happen upon a game and figure since they have nothing better to do, they'll subject the teams, coaches and fans to horrors beyond imagination. Nope, someone else has to tell them to go there (to the game, that is).
That's what assignors do, tell officials what matches they are doing. Assignors receive game information from a variety of sources though typically it is from a league officer (preferably just one, who has all the information for the league). Then with this information, the assignor informs qualified officials (you may insert your oxymoron statement here) when and where to be.
This system works occasionally.
Today, not so much.
It's currently the first week of the spring high school season and after having most of the matches covered by officials prior to the season starting, several referees have given back their matches with little notice. As you can imagine this creates problems for the assignors as they must now reach into their bag of officials and magically pull out another official qualified to do the game (oh, if only such a magical bag existed).
Back to today (I am easily distracted by shiney things), I received a text message from a referee a couple days back wherein he stated he was quite busy with school and couldn't take on more assignments. As I had recently sent out an email request for help covering a couple of still open spots this week, I texted him back and stated I needed help this weekend, to which he agreed, being the weekend and all.
Yesterday, I sent out another request begging officials to help with a game today. I received another text from aforementioned referee asking about his assignments. I replied that tomorrow (today) was covered and needed him still on Saturday (the match in question was taken by another official before I received the text). I had neglected to look at the schedule before replying to his message. If I would have, I may have noticed he had an assignment today and may have guessed our conversation was not hitting on all cylinders.
(You must have seen this coming) I receive a phone call at 3.50pm today from the ARs on a match the said referee had been assigned, stating he was not there, they had called him and he had told the ARs, I had gotten someone else to cover the match for him. The match was to begin at 4pm. I called the referee back and we realized, finally, we had made a horrible mistake in our communications. However, he was currently stuck without a vehicle some 30 miles away from the game. After many frantic phone calls to other officials, I managed to reach someone (who hadn't been drinking) and could cover the match.
Is there a point to this story? Be nice to your assignors? Be clear when discussing things with simple-minded assignors? Assume your assignors have NO idea what you are talking about, ever? All of the above?
Regarding the podcast, I've been getting interest from local officials about participating and once this week is through (it's almost done...thankfully), I should start work on the meat and taters of the show.
Do call in if you have a story for us.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Gearing Up
Before we get to the release of the first show, it'd be good to have some material. Well, material that isn't me talking about how stupid I am.
I've set up a voicemail box where y'all can call in and leave me a message.
The first few shows will feature the following:
1) Most memorable coach and why
2) Most memorable player and why
Please give a call and leave a message for me:
(641) 715-3900 ext. 91965
I am just trying out this service so if the sound quality ends up sucking (the test from my landline actually sounded pretty good), I'll keep looking. But for now, it's free, so we'll see.
I'll be editing out all the personal information so please leave an email address I can reach you at in case the masses would like to hear more about a particular coach or player.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sense of humor?
The home team is up 3-1, the forward takes on three defenders entering the penalty area. She loses possession, receiving a couple bumps from the defense during the play. However, there is no push, no hold, no kick and no trip on the play, just a fair shoulder to shoulder challenge which results in the forward making contact with one of the other defenders. The ball, by this point, has moved beyond the forward's playing distance. There is no call to make, so I make none.
Afterward, I approach the forward (keep in mind, I've officiated this gal's games for a few years now and while I am not on particularly friendly terms with her, I've been joking a bit with her teammates prior to this play) and say to her, "Ya know, I'm gonna let them assault you down here." She replies, "What? Why?" "Well, you're up 3-1..." I smile.
Shortly thereafter she is subbed. From 20 yards away I hear her relay what I recently said to her coach in a none too amused tone. I realized, of course, there was little I could do at this point to either assure her I was joking (with hopes of making nice) or prove I was to this particular player (as she wasn't on the pitch). I did tighten up my calls for the remaining 20 minutes, yet the damage had been done. The home team did end up winning 3-2 and there were no injuries or highly debatable calls.
While I think the result of the match was correct, I would have been well-served by not joking with this particular player. I was however, making comments to a couple other players on the home team (and being continually berated by another but that is our relationship, she bitches...I card her on occasion). I done went and got in a good mood and suffered the consequences for it.
So much for thinking before speaking...
In other news (if you can call it that), one of the AR's and I had a good laugh about one parent from the visiting team who made comments about almost every play and call or no call of mine. I was wanting to stop the match and write down some of her comments for posting here and they were so magnificently idiotic, I immediately forgot them (the parents at several recent matches have been so ill-informed concerning the Laws of the Game, the moronic comments all run together).
Saturday, March 1, 2008
A Day with the Family
11:47am After attempting to reach the person in charge of the schedules (and failing), I called the crew back and told them to head on home as I wasn't going to ask them to travel to other fields looking for a game.
1:58pm The phone rings again. A person I work with to schedule State Cup games was curious as to where the crew was for the 2:00pm match at the field my crew was at two hours prior. I was also informed the visiting team had traveled from the Tri-Cities (at least four hours, maybe, I haven't actually been there) and money had already been paid to secure this match. I mentioned that a crew had been there and it was unlikely I could get the same crew back in a timely manner but would make efforts.
2:06pm After several calls to several referees, I'd acquired a crew who was en route to the field to cover the match (many thanks to those who dropped what they were doing and helped continue the illusion that I am indeed a miracle worker). I called the field back and informed them a three-person crew was on the way, should arrive within 20 minutes and the match would be underway in about half an hour.
4:20pm The center referee called to inform me the Tri-Cities coach would be protesting the match as it started late. We laughed.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Under Construction
I'm Jonathon and I'm a soccer referee in Whatcom County, Washington. I've been a referee since 1999, have been a referee instructor since 2000, a referee assignor since 2000, a member of the Whatcom County Soccer Referee Board since 2002 and also worked for several years as the Area Referee Administrator for Whatcom County.
Really what I'm getting at is I've been involved in officiating soccer in several different ways during my time as a referee although I have never bothered to upgrade. For anyone outside of the northwest Washington area, we are a fairly small association here in Whatcom County and the majority of our matches are hosted at one soccer field complex (Northwest Soccer Park). As a result, we know each other, mentor each other and those of us who assign know who can do what game. I've never been interested in traveling outside Whatcom County to officiate matches so although I routinely do some of the higher level of matches round these parts (we don't have a large base of players so the highest level of matches are those of Western Washington University -- I can't officiate WWU matches as I am employed by WWU to announce and keep score at these matches), I'm still a lowly grade 8 referee. There's never been much of a need for me to upgrade, so I haven't. I consider myself a decent referee, I've seen better and I've seen much worse.
Unfortunately, I have a bit of an attitude (or bad attitude, if you rather) and my mouth gets me in trouble. I'd like to say I always think before I speak, but I don't. And when coaches or parents make comments to me I think are silly, I tend to laugh. Usually, turn and laugh. So they know I am laughing at what they are saying. I'd save myself some grief if I could keep those feelings to myself.
I'm putting together an audio podcast which will offer non-officials a terrifying glimpse into the conversations and thoughts of the officials they berate on a regular basis.
I'm hoping the podcast will start seeing weekly posts the middle of March and hoping to get input from other soccer officials about various topics. Once I've established everything to make the process, well, not easy, but not difficult, I'll post more information here.
I'm looking forward to hearing from interested officials.
See you on the pitch.