Thursday, September 4, 2008

Show 010 happened.

Ok, fine then. Because I said I would I am finally posting the kick butt link Dylan sent us here at the POV.

(added November 7, 2008: the link which was once here is now defunct and has been removed)

In assigning news, September 6th is the beginning of the select season with the 9th opening high school games. And the frustration of assigning has also begun.

I received the high school schedule earlier than ever this year, in June and posted it to the referee website immediately upon acquiring it. And sure enough, a couple of the athletic directors have contacted me this week to change things. Why not in July or even August? Why wait until the week before the season is under way to make changes? I realize you have other things to do but so do I. Oh, the whiner that is me.

And the select schedule...what a disaster. We are STILL waiting for the GU17 schedule and the season starts in two days. The GU15 showed up on Tuesday. I am not sure those in charge of scheduling at the state level have ever assigned before. If they have, perhaps they have forgotten in most instances scheduling matches does not automatically assure referees will be available to mediate them. Am I going to whine about this stuff all season? Most likely.

I've already recorded Show 011 with Jadon and should be posting it on Sunday as I have some time that day...I managed to get the matches fulled up without having to work any myself. Be on the's going to be a bit longer than the last two, we got on a roll (and the Wii Fit).

Thanks again for checking out the show. Tell your friends and neighbors. We're starting to get some feedback (and calls) which only makes the show more entertaining.


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