Friday, August 1, 2008

I heart technology.

While it certainly may seem that I am ignoring my podcast and blog of late (and to some degree I most certainly am), I did attempt to post to the blog last week while on vacation in Lincoln City, Oregon. I had completed a nice lengthy bit and clicked the Publish button only to have the connection fizzle out and the bit of nonsense I'd scribed vanished into the ether. While certainly not a loss of much magnitude, it would have shown that I hadn't just abandoned things with the podcast or the blog.

Regardless, I have had a busy week back from vacation (one of the more productive of the summer for me) and I've forgot to take the iRiver with me to the soccer park last Sunday while I worked Ballapalooza. Honestly, not much of a loss as far as catching any good stories about that particular tournament. It was amazingly boring with little in the way of silly, drunk adults doing silly, adult things. But I also lost the opportunity to catch a referee or two with questions for the podcast.

I am hoping to get something out this weekend but will again be on the road for a family reunion and my time will be limited (also, I'll be attempting to plumb in my casa...that in itself should be the very definition of comedy).

Jadon mentioned he'd have some time next week to sit down and chat and Steve did as well so hopefully, heading into the busy fall season, we should get back on schedule with weekly releases of the podcast.

Again, if you have stories, I'd love to read them on the show. Please email me at with amusing/horrifying anecdotes.
