Monday, June 22, 2009

Oh No! It's Tourney Time...

Well looky here,

It's June 22nd and I have received my assignments for this weekend's youth tournament in Bellingham. I got a call from Jadon today wanting to podcast but since neither of us have done any matches since the last show and there haven't been any responses yet to the interesting field question posed last time, I suggested we wait until after I do five or six matches this weekend and try to throw something together next week.

Seeing as I always have something ridiculous happen to me during a tournament (as I imagine most officials do), I will surely have at least ONE good story coming out of this weekend. Plus I have been asked by the assignor to help with some mentoring (always good to watch other's matches as there is good material there as well). And if that wasn't enough, I may get to be involved with the judicials this weekend and if you haven't had the joy of enduring one of those meetings, well, I will take a couple notes if I get called in and let y'all know what kind of silly happened.

Thanks again for all the support and we will be trying harder to provide something entertaining more frequently this summer.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Contrary to the evidence, we are still podcasting.

Hey all,

Both Jadon and I sincerely apologize for taking such a long hiatus and not letting anyone know it would be happening. I suppose if we had any idea we would be taking a break from the show, we might have made some attempt to let people know.

A new show will be posted in the next 24 hours (June 17, 2009) or else.

Thanks again for your support and we'll find a way to make it up to you.


Jonathon & Jadon