Thursday, February 11, 2010

Still officiating, if you can believe it

Just posted the latest podcast for Referee POV and will apologize for the sound quality. Received a new portable MP3 recorder for the holidays, recorded Jadon and myself in a car and boy, howdy is that lil' thing sensitive.

With any luck, you'll forgive me the background noise and appreciate the fact I got a new episode out.

Thanks again for your continued support.


Anonymous said...

Just found your podcast on Itunes and totally enjoy listening to it.

Its not national standard USSF chatter, its more aimed at the 95% of referees who spend our time with U18, U16 and U14 and below games.

I do enjoy the differences between you and Jadon although I was a bit incredulous at your advice as a mentor to advise a 14 year old AR to bumpo into a 6'4" spectator as he wouldnt get out of the way as being crazy advice at best.

Love the show.

Thanks guys.

Andy in VA

Jonathon said...

Thanks Andy.

Regarding the advice to bump the big oaf on the way by, I suggested it because I was there and for some silly reason believed a real-live grown adult wouldn't be a total loon. (I know, where did I grow up believing such fantasies?)